Logroño | Concept
Architects: Egor Bogomolov, Victor Aurov, Ivan Gorbunov, Daria Papkova, Tatiana Kurochkina

The architectural and urban festival "Concentrico" is held annually in the Spanish city of Logroño. The task of the festival participants is to design temporary architectural structures, small forms or pavilions for three locations in the city and its environs, at the participant's choice. Each project proposal should carry a certain meaning - a metaphor, a new scenario for using the site, a fresh look at familiar things, a certain statement. 

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We have chosen a site in local vineyards to participate. The endless rows of vines surrounded by mountains have become for us both a source of inspiration and a challenge - to harmoniously complement an already established landscape with a meaningful architectural form. ​​​​​​​

The proposed wooden pavilion acts as a kind of "Temple of Nature" - made in the form of a Gothic portal of the oldest church in Logroño, it is both an object within the context and a frame for the surrounding landscape. Hence the name "Pray for nature" - after all, for every person, regardless of belonging to one religion or another, nature is inherently sacred.

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